Saturday, 28 February 2015


Here are some inspiring covers I found whilst researching existing book covers on Pinterest (I find this website is usually a good starting place when you're unsure where to take a brief as there's plenty of further links you can stumble across). These are all quite artistic and experimental. I'm a big fan of hand rendered elements when it comes to design so these all appeal to me a lot. Especially the hand rendered type, it looks a lot more personal and natural than using a font sometimes. Since this is going to be a screen print I have to make sure that I don't use multicoloured textures that could interfere with the brief restrictions. There must only be two colours used, which may limit me and the style of design I usually work with.

The shape of the figure on the 3rd image works really well and I find that something similar would work well with my book title, as it would personify it.

The crab design is one of my personal favourites. I love the way you can tell it is made with brush strokes and it looks as though it was done with black indian ink. The boldness against the orange looks super great, as it is though the orange is the colour that the crab should be. 

The second image looks really effective, the use of shape highlights the details and the colour pops out well. I like how it looks like fabric however I wouldn't be able to achieve anything like this effect from screen printing.

Since my book is called "Obey the giant", I also thought of the brand OBEY and in particular Shepard Fairey's work:

Although they are impactful, they are quite vectorized and even though I want to challenge myself, they do not appeal to my style of working as much. I think that if I was to do something like this, it would not look like a book cover but more like a poster. I would like to try and capture the impact by my choice of type instead of the imagery, it would be hard to screen print a face accordingly whilst only using two colours. 

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