Friday, 9 January 2015


Today's crit was very helpful for the progress of this brief. Since I had already designed the slides in my presentation, I showed a few of them to the group in order for them to get a feel of the tones, and also a few quick sketches I did:

These were only initial ideas and not final decisions however. The crit was a good way to ask for opinions on what size I should make my booklet for example, how I'm going to construct it and the type I'll be using in the content. The group liked my use of colour and said it was really effective with the theme, so I'll definitely be taking that into account and using red somewhere!

As I had picked 20 serial killers, it was suggested that I cut that down, most people agreed that just basing the booklet on one of them would be an even better idea as then there's a great opportunity to divert all the focus on one person instead of cramming information on 20 people in. These people are quite complicated so I think that would be a little difficult to do anyway.

I definitely found it useful today and enjoyed seeing other people's plans for brief 3.

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