Sunday, 12 October 2014


On friday we had our first interim crit for our work on our studio brief Alphabet Soup. I found it really useful getting opinions on what i've created from different perspectives and receiving helpful advice on how to take the project further. Here is some snaps of my work:

We were put into groups for the exercise, and individually presented our ideas and what we had come up with so far. It was quite interesting to see other peoples interpretations on the words they had been given, and also inspiring to see the different techniques used to achieve some of their ideas. 

I do sometimes find it difficult to show groups of people my work as I am a bit of a perfectionist. I'd like to improve on drawing quicker, more relaxed sketches of my ideas instead of focusing on it being overly refined straight away. During the crit I acknowledged this and will work on it in the future.

I received good feedback on the precision of my drawings, for example the drop caps:

and I also received some helpful suggestions for improvement.

Some people in my group suggested that the decorative drop caps do reflect the word 'traditional' however it would be interesting to try and create a type suitable for body text. I'd like to try this out and create something subtle that still reflects the word.

It was suggested that I visited museums to try and get a bit more inspiration which I thought was useful as that entails actually going outside and scouting out interesting things to get inspiration from and I will definitely be taking it into account.

The constellation type provoked a good response which I'm really happy about as this one is probably one of my favourites that I've designed:

 During the crit it was suggested that I tried to experiment with different variations of this, and try a single stroke version, I am also planning on messing with the thicknesses. 

Overall it was super to look at other people's work and have some brilliant feedback on my own, and since it was my first experience with something like this, I understand how important crits can be now!

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