Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Yesterday we gathered around the crit box in groups and discussed the stories we had researched over the weekend for Studio Brief 3. I had initially picked the "Allergic To Cowell" story, but I was also debating over researching more into the Plastic surgery story:

It was very very useful to have these ideas discussed, as I wasn't sure if I could take the Cowell story further as much as I possibly could with the botched operation story. I realised that quite a few people had chosen to research into the plastic surgery story, and even though there's quite a few angles to go about it, the crit has helped me realise that I should go with my initial choice of the Simon Cowell phobia story.

Although this is the only copy of the story that I found in physical newspapers, I have found some more online from the Mirror & the Metro:

I think an interesting angle on this story to take forward would be how women are reported on in tabloids like the sun. For example in this story, Michelle, who has the phobia of Simon, is referred to frequently as "a mum" or "a woman", in quite a mocking tone. This could lead on to researching ideas around gender roles and how women are seen as either domesticated, good to look at or apparently crazy.

I could bring in other ways women have been targeted by the mail, and the specific tone it is reported in.

Another angle that could be brought in is how mental health is represented in the media.

Overall the interim crit has allowed me to focus on one story and various ideas in which to go about this brief.

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