Sunday, 1 November 2015


For the title of the publication, “A-Z Type in Context: Poland” sounded particularly lengthy and did not have the impact I hoped for and imaged for what I wanted to achieve with this brief. Although upon reading the brief it suggests using this title, I felt as though a more suitable name would attract an audience further as the title of a publication is vital as it is usually the first thing an individual would read or notice when browsing. 

Since the publication features type in Poland, it is necessary to include this theme within the title so that the audience is initially aware of the context of the book. “Type in Poland” again sounds quite boring but is an improvement on the first title. 

The word that Polish people use to describe their country is “Polska”, a short and sweet word that describes exactly what the book is about, which is in essence, Poland itself. I documented images from various famous locations which I would like to say sum up Poland briefly and displays a range of different types of locations containing a diverse selection of type. Polska has an attractive phonetic sound, which will be what the audience reads first. 

After asking for some feedback it was suggested that “Polska” was the most appropriate and inviting name. Compared to “A-Z Type in Context: Poland”, people said that it is much less dull and has a punchy, short name which will draw the reader in hopefully.

With this in mind I could now apply this title to my developments.

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