Sunday, 5 April 2015


Me and James recognised that the posters and the flyers should be consistent and look very similar since the flyers are essentially sized down posters. We both worked on illustrator to create some similar looking designs.

Here I have worked with the text's transparency, as it is outlines cut out of the actual shape. I have incorporated colour so it only covers half of the text. I think this design looks pretty modern and eye catching, as there is only a small amount of information on it, and the small bit of colour makes it look more interesting without doing anything too decorative.

As for this design, I tried overlapping the solid shape along with the outline, and positioning and resizing the outline so it doesn't fully match the solid shape.
Here I tried a solid black background with the simple solid shape in cream. I made the text white so it doesn't blend in with the shape too much.

I don't think this one is as strong as the other designs as the shape is smaller and the information looks oddly sized, taking up too much room when it isn't central, it creates too much space on the right hand side between the shape and the side.

These designs are simple and I think the way the text is positioned vertically frames the shape well.

These are the two posters that will be in our final pitch. The first one is to advertise the event, and the second is a souvenir from the event (although we learned that we couldn't sell anything at this exhibition in our interim crit). Even though the sphere was said to be too intricate at a smaller scale, we decided it would be a waste not to incorporate it as it looks attractive and works well on this poster. It would be blown up to a bigger size so the details would not become so much of a problem however we chose not to use it on anything small scale.

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