Monday, 27 April 2015


The final crit was really great to get some useful feedback to help with analysing my work. Above is the student/tutor comments. It was good to know that my colour choices and hand rendered style effectively communicated the specific informal and personal tone I was aiming for. I'm happy that the tone of voice was said to be appropriate for the target audience. My briefs resolution is aiming to calm, reassure and inspire those starting university and doing a graphic design course in particular.

It was also useful to think about the production as I had already decided I was going to print it out and staple bind it, it would be great to use thin stock also as it would be suitable alongside this binding method - cheap and easy to produce for the fresher's fairs etc. An idea that arose was that it would also be great to put a digital version in my submission, such as a pdf, as it would be useful to be able to have on estudio so that first years could access it whenever, say if it gets lost.

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