Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Since my target audience is obviously first years, there's a lot of things given out during freshers, and this is probably when I would be aiming to distribute my zines. Since there wouldn't be a small amount of graphics students, I need my production to be quick, easy and cheap of course. I tried out using just black and white for cost purposes and did a mock up of how it would look:

At first I printed this wrong, not setting it to landscape to fit on the double A5 size.

 Printing these in black and white would cut the cost massively however I still wanted to print a colour version. Since I had worked in RGB, as I had focused on the booklet being digital, I realised the aqua blue colour would not come out as vibrant. I decided on a very thin stock, again to make the production much cheaper. 

As for my binding method, to again adhere to the cheap feel I was aiming for, I chose a simple staple bound method. However I'm not very accurate and so this ended up coming out wrong and the staples are visable on the front. You could say this is appropriate to the style of my book, because of how I have mentioned breaking rules of graphic design and doing things your way...

The zine is also available digitally, which would hypothetically be uploaded to eStudio for the first years to access at any time. 

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