Thursday, 19 May 2016


Studio brief 1 was a highly involved process containing methods I was not highly familiar with or comfortable. It pushed me out of my comfort zone in terms of screen printing, a process in which I had previously avoided if I could, and gave me a sense of independence regarding printing methods, encouraging me to try and broaden my skills in this field during future projects. However, this brief had it’s challenges, and due to human error there was a lot of mistakes during the printing process in the screen print room, such as the screen becoming blocked and not printing strong lines, offset prints meaning the designs were not perfectly straight, and feelings of despair when I assumed I would not get a good final print for the exhibition. 

Due to perseverance, I managed to print a bank note I was proud of, making use of the materials around me such as stock and ink to put together a visually attractive composition and unique layout. In hindsight, I wished I had experimented with more realistic imagery as it could have looked more ‘realistic’ in contextual terms however what I created was unique and visually clean, making good use of the space of the note. 

It also gave me a lot of creative freedom and the choice to experiment however I wished, and also gave me an insight into the means of designing for currency.

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