Monday, 2 May 2016


Once I had figured out the basic aim and concept to the project I began to make sketches which could act as possible icons and logos for the branding.

Taking part of the brands name, Erdenbürger, I drew out some very simplistic and geometric shapes which look like burgers, and also some abstract shapes. For example, the burger has two buns and a filling. The wiggly line looks contemporary, fun and appealing, utilising space well. The zig zag bun is much more abstract, and may not appeal to the masses as much.

I also experimented with imagery surrounding the Earth which I felt was very obvious and cliché so would needed to be developed digitally to see if this is successful.

Linking back to burgers, I used sesame seed shapes which I felt would create a nice pattern within the branding somewhere, not necessarily the logo.

These sketches gave me a great starting point and helped in my design process, I now had a clear idea of what to develop digitally as an initial start.

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